I'm waiting for Duplicity to load, and blogging to fill in time :). I'm not really that interested in watching it, but Julia Roberts is nominated for a Golden Globe for her acting in it (up against Queen Meryl), and it doesn't look too terrible, and we have lots of download space to use, so I must concede.
Staying on the topic of movie news, I watched Fantastic Mr Fox last night. It was great! How awesome was 2009 for animation? I'm still on Team UP, but Mr Fox is a very worthy contender, and I'm just stoked that The Princess And The Frog exists (I saw that in the cimena on Monday; it was awesome too).
Yesterday the family sans Aly went a-shopping and I purchased a PIE DISH (which isn't just a plate Alysha stfu) and a silicone jiggly cake tin thing. IT'S JIGGLY. I was looking for a flan ring or a shallower springform pan than we have in order to make French tarts a la Julia Child (yeah I downloaded Mastering The Art of French Cooking after seeing Julie and Julia. Whatev), but was not successful. So I baked my Tarte aux abricots et peches in the jiggly pan, but in my stress over my pastry, forgot to put baking paper underneath and so could not get the tart out of the pan. Plus the crust sucked because the pan was too tall so it couldn't be shaped properly, and fell all over itself. Fail. It was still delicious/attractive. Fresh fruit here, y'all. I'd show you a picture but the cord for the camera has apparently disappeared. ffffffffuuuuuu. You'll just have to wait. But yeah basically I have epic plans for making fruit pies and tarts. Okay fine here's a tragically fuzzy picture taken using the renowned "Use Your Webcam To Take A Photo Of The Screen Of Your Camera" method.
Some day I will be a pro at pretty crusts.
Today was the fourth Kira and Nicola X-Files Day. I'm growing more and more attached to them. I feel like a bad person for enjoying when bad things happen to Scully because it gets Mulder all protective and anguished and it's really adorable. Except she has now disappeared and I would like for her to come back soon please because vampires are boring without her around. Also i think we have watched enough to devise a game of X-Files Bingo for next time.
Tomorrow is the parents' anniversary and we're having a family brunch, apparently. Then Tina is coming over so we can bake cupcakes together! She has a fancy cupcake recipe book so it's going to be epic. Parents are going to a Gold Class session of Up In The Air in the evening, and I am jeliz because I really want to see that film. And apparently we have a DubLi thing on Friday night, I work on Saturday nights, and have a Panto thing on Sunday arvo. So if I want to see it before the Golden Globes it relies on Aly's availability during the day on Saturday (though I'm quite sure she's working- Aly?) or Sunday night. C'mooonnnnn.
That's a fair enough update I think.