The Illustrated Edition

Nov 15, 2009 00:31

Hello the internets!
Since I've last checked in, I've had my last exam (on Monday) and lazed around in the excesses of my delicious delicious freedom and purposelessness.

Purposelessness isn't really the word (nor, probably, a word at all), as I did complete two 'projects' in preparation for the Panto After-After-Party last night. Namely, a cake and a cape. It was both alliterative and fun. The cake was primarily for Kira, as she turned 18 but is too cool to acknowledge it, so I insisted on bringing a cake to the party and making people sing. Heck yeah. Also it was Ivo's birthday the day before Kira's so I gave him a footnote and an anatomically incorrect bat (he likes Batman). I think he was actually mildly offended by it, which is a shame. Here is a photograph of the cake:

It took bloody ages and some creative problem solving (like using melted white chocolate to touch up the sides of the icing on the top), but I was very pleased with the final result. Although people tended to be more impressed by the fact that it was TWO DIFFERENT COLOURS inside- indeed it was a chocolate cake inverted on top of a vanilla cake, which isn't a very difficult thing to achieve, and which was necessary because it was a larger cake than I normally make, so one box of cake mix (lazy me) only produced a very thin cake, and nobody wants that. I didn't even trim the tops to make them combine evenly. Still, I want to make more decorated cakes in the future. Is fun.

The cape was because the theme of the party was Capes (wow). I donut have a proper photo of my cape, but it was half-assedly handstitched and comprised of various scraps of fabric which happened to exist in my house, and had my superhero name 'Captain Badly Executed Attire' written on it in wobbly white fabric paint. It actually took me a while. On Wednesday I chose and cut fabric, pinned it together and made the collar and it took the duration of Star Trek (I watched it with director's commentary :D) and a little longer (watched the beginning again with audio for the visually impaired, which basically narrates the action. It's beautiful.), then Thursday I re-pinned and sewed it all throughout two episodes of Friends, Ellen, Beauty and the Geek, Family Guy and American Dad. At the last minute before I left for the party, the team effort of Mum, Dad, Kiara and me added a mask (a pink-lined sleeping eye-mask with holes jaggedly cut in it) and a hat (my trusty top hat, with a pink ribbon and blue feathers decorating) to the ensemble, and it actually came together pretty well. I looked suitable ridiculous. Jack's costume was the best, in my opinion- he'd just pinned to his shirt a map of some Cape as in the geographical feature thing. I can't remember which cape it was, which sort of ruins the effect of the previous sentence, but it was lolarious. Reminded me of the time I dressed up as Ralph Wiggum as Idaho.

The party was cool. About 25 people were there, and Jo made lots of delicious Squashed Frog shots, of which I had two. I have bad Shots etiquette, I've realised. I tend to lick the inside of the glass after I've downed it... It's delicious, gosh! Also I was a strong contender for Biggest Nuisance, by knocking over two other peoples
bottles within the first two hours. But then someone kicked over a whole 4-pack of beer, smashing glass and spilling the entire contents of two bottles, so I think they won. We watched Glee, like all the cool kids do at parties. I was headachey throughout, though, especially in the hour before I left, the last 15 minutes of which I spent lying face-first sprawled on a giant beanbag in the centre of the circle of talking. I got home feeling a little more than a little that i was going to throw up, so took a precautional icecream container to have next to my bed when I collapsed onto it. But i slept pretty easily and woke up feeling fine (though sneezy) this morning. Yay me.

Chillin'. I am drinking water, bitches. Sam (on the right) looks like a moon.

With Ash. Note hat. Excuse stupidly large grin.

Snow White Jo with a row of shots :D

Then todaaaay I got up at 11:20ish because Kiara was butchering Glee songs in the shower and I couldn't do anything about it from my bed. Did a pretty thorough perusal of the paper over breakfast, and noticed an ad for Target's two-day sale which featured a dress I tried on and liked a couple weeks ago, for sale! It was $70 then, and $25 now, and happily the family was going to the shops today anyway because Kiara needed supplies for some dumb school project, so I tagged along and bought me the dress, and two others that were also $25, because I need casual-ish short-ish dresses, and a black dress. So yay. Also we went to Gelatinos and I had an iced mocha frappe thing, and a really impressive tiny almond biscotti.

Yaaay. (Lol my face/what is my hand doing. Do you want to play a game of 'identify the items in Nicola's room'?)

The other one! I got this in black, too. These will be fun to accessorise. Note my birthmark making a rare appearance :P (I seem to remember these photos looking a lot less ridiculous at the time I took them...)

I'm not doing very well on my NaNoWriMo novel. It is, in fact, around 3000 (rather than 25000) words long atm. I'll post it here if any of y'all want to have a squiz. It's pretty entertaining, as far as I'm concerned. Also mostly nonsense. I intend to dedicate all of tomorrow to it. Then Monday to my exchange application, because I'm going into Uni on Tuesday to talk to the Italian exchange coordinater chap because he finally replied to my email. Amazing.

Also and
Just sayin'.
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