
Oct 31, 2006 08:08

So it would appear that the launch day of Final Fantasy 12 is upon us. Here's a little tidbit of information about the series in honor of this occasion (although most people probably know this). Final Fantasy is named what it is because the company square was pretty much about to go out of business. They were a down on their luck company who decided to make one last attempt at success before shutting down. Their last attempt was the rpg, and since it was their last try, they named it "Final" Fantasy. As you know the rest if history. That's why you have a series of 12 and more sequels for a game called Final Fantasy, which may strike some as a little... weird.

I've been trying to finally finish FF9. I played last night up to the last fight, so hopefully I'll be able to beat the game tomorrow and start playing 12 on Wednesday.

I canceled my World of Warcraft subscription for the second time yesterday. I intend to leave it down at least until the Burning Crusade comes out and possibly even for good. We'll see I guess. I figure that with the coming of the Wii next month I'll be busy with console games and on top of that I brought my electric guitar down from Weiner not long ago, so I'll hopefully start playin that again. So no time for Wow, which, despite being fun, really accomplishes nothing in the end. :(
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