(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 17:35

I was sorting through some old notebooks earlier, and - gosh, I used to be smart. I found an essay plan from year 12, on the origins of the First World War, and I really don't know what else I'd put into a similar essay now. And oh, I remember how proud I was to memorise nibelungentreue!

It also turns out I kept a diary while at uni for a while! I don't remember that, and I'm fairly certain it's from only two years ago. I'm not going to read it: I respect the person I was at that stage of my life, and I'm not going to criticise my actions then: but oh, the cringe factor.

I'm also over my Bob Geldof hatred - well, I still loathe and despise him for reducing the utterly inconceivably huge task of eradicating world poverty to whatever he and his cronies believe, but at least it's simmered down to something managable. Suffice it to point out the other media-friendly focus of the summit - climate change - and the pollution and environmental degredation necessarily arising from eight massive music concerts.

(I would also like to hear Geldof's views on the islands in the Pacific - Micronesia and the rest. Variously: ethnic tensions, obesity and malnutrition, unavoidable diplomatic finangles, weapons testing ground, the whole sinking-into-the-rising-ocean thing: a black-and-white summation please, sir, how do 'we' fix that?)
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