
Oct 21, 2006 15:16

Fandom: BSG
Pairing: Starbuck/Roslin
Hope Is Just A Delusion

Delusion )

picture, bsg, f/f, roslin/starbuck

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selenay_x October 21 2006, 18:30:21 UTC
Six walked amongst the humans, a heavy black cape obscuring most of her features, hoping that she would not be recognised as a Cylon. She found herself drawn more and more often into watching them. The way they walked in the rain. Some moving as fast as they could in the muddy conditions risking a fall; others hiding form it as best they could dodging in and out of entrances; and a small minority that just continued their normal stride, treating it as a inconvenience.

She contrasted that to her companions and found that each of the models had their own style, but within the model, there was little variation. And for some reason she found that sad. Caprica Six and Sharon Valierii claimed that they had feelings equal to the humans. That there was a master plan. That their God had a plan. But she doubted. One or two models displayed differences, but that was a pitiful number compared to the whole. And the whole spoke as one. Even when the whole did not believe.

Six often wondered if what she felt was the same as the humans did. Or if it were merely a pale reflection of emotions.

So she walked among the humans at times she would not be noticed.

Most times she was drawn to the School Tent. The children were fascinating to watch on days they could go outside to play. They wore no masks. When they were happy, they laughed; when they fell, they cried and when the smallest children saw a Cylon they showed fear and ran to the relative safety of the tent and their teacher. Six envied them for that, for the fact they felt emotions so strongly and the simplicity of their world.

It was the end of the day and usually the children erupted from the tent anxiously seeking their freedom. Today, however, the exit was subdued, unhappy with some children clinging to their parents.

Eventually all had gone just leaving the School Teacher. And still Six waited. This change from the norm intrigued her and so she studied. Cylons had infinite patience.

Laura Roslin left the tent and only Six’s speed of reaction caught the tears in her eyes, held in check until she raised her face to the rain, where she stood not moving until the sun set and she was soaked through.

And Six just watched, fascinated but unable to break the woman’s reverie. Roslin was not someone she wanted to deal with. The former President, Prophet had a habit of making her feel less than she was. Making her feel not real. And it was uncomfortable.

But as Roslin started to walk toward her tent, she had to know and moved to block her path.


Distracted the teacher hadn’t really noticed her, but at the realisation of someone in her path she looked enquiringly at her, polite inquiry turning to neutrality as soon as she realised she was dealing with a Cylon.

“What do you mean why?”

Behind the words Six could hear the unspoken ‘frak off’ in her tone.

“Why were the children upset and why were you crying.”

At that question Roslin narrowed her eyes, bitterness almost hidden.

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“But I want to.” Six truly did. She had the feeling that understanding this woman could be the key. She couldn’t be threatened, she couldn’t be bribed and she couldn’t be seduced, unlike Gaius Baltar.

“We all want what we can’t have.”

Six was becoming frustrated, a common feeling when dealing with Laura Roslin and caught her wrist.

“We need to know. To understand.”

Roslin laughed contemptuously. “All right then. Sarah died.” Roslin looked deeply into Six’s eyes. “She was a beautiful girl, just five years old She loved to sing and dance. She loved to collect bugs.” Laura shuddered at the memory. “Sarah wanted to grow up to become a nurse.”

Six opened her mouth, to say what she wasn’t sure, but her words were cut off.

“Don’t pretend you understand. You get terminated and your programme is loaded back into a new body. You are not diminished for the loss or gladdened by new life, new possibilities because there are none for you. So you can never truly feel, because you can’t lose anyone.” She looked down at the restraining hand on her arm with barely hidden contempt. “Now release me or arrest me again. We have nothing more to say to each other.”

Six complied and silently watched her leave unshed tears in her eyes.


ilovemeryl October 21 2006, 18:55:06 UTC

that was so sad, yet beautiful.

i loved it.

p.s.- radak, you so rock.

i looooooove the wallpaper so much.


selenay_x October 21 2006, 19:01:01 UTC

Glad you liked. I've been feeling really guilty cos I promised Radak a Six/Laura fic, and I am in the middle of it, honest. But I though that after the latest wallpapers, I should send something - and this popped into my head thankfully this morning.

Honest Radak, the real fic is coming, I'm just having a little writers block on it and am fixated on rewriting



ilovemeryl October 21 2006, 19:11:57 UTC


more laura/six to come.

i love laura/six, so i can't wait to read it.


frogfrizz October 22 2006, 04:38:11 UTC
Go you Sel. :) Hehehe. [cracks whip] Get on the fic and feed us.


radak October 22 2006, 04:49:08 UTC
she is just teasing us all with her promise for a fic *dramatic sigh*


radak October 22 2006, 03:45:30 UTC


radak October 22 2006, 03:44:29 UTC
beautiful! Thank you, the drabble is just wonderful, sad but with a promise that there is a chance for them.


beerbad October 22 2006, 09:54:21 UTC
That was great!! Make sure it finds its way onto the masterlist :)


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