favorite fics

May 24, 2006 16:34

I messed with the previous post. I deleted it accidentally. So I repost the list of my

Harry Potter
1. «Wabi-Sabi»by kai
«I saw us both, years into the future, lying side-by-side, patched and worn, missing a few pieces, mended here and there, with dried-up and crispy glue».
2. «Three Months» by Toft
«Some wounds heal, with time and care. Not all, though. Even now, years later, Severus is still in the habit of touching Harry absently, just to make sure he's there. Sometimes he will look up suddenly from his marking in the staffroom, perhaps half asleep, and when he does not see Harry immediately his eyes will flash with panic, and Minerva sees him back in the church, clinging on to the stone wall with the cold day behind him».
3. «Clipped Wings»by Theresa Ann
The ravens remained at the Tower of London.
4. «Growing Pains»by Tira Nog
«It's hard to make future plans when you're living in the moment, waiting for everything to fall apart».
5. The Cartographerby ishibishispider
«They run for days, with feet of Hermes and tongue of Odin. They run for months, over glen of Earl and meadow of Baron. They run for years, away from sentinel of Osiris and temptress of Ra».
6. A New Leaf by MinervaFan
Minerva/ Petunia
«This was civilization, she thought. This was health. Setting the table for a mid-week meal, using cloth napkins and sharing conversation with someone you loved over a home-cooked meal».
7. «Неизменность» by Saint-Olga
«Все эти годы, что провел он в одиночестве в своем замке, его мучает вопрос: каковы на вкус эти уверенно вычерченные губы? Но ответа ему не дождаться никогда».

Star Trek Voyager
9. «CRUEL LIKE US» by Christinecgb
"How would you describe your relationship with Kathryn Janeway?"
The question itself did not surprise me. It was my answer that came as a shock.
"I loved her..."
10. «Beginnings»by Lisa Countryman
«Spreading rumors about the captain was a sure way to end cleaning the waste reclamation system until they returned to the alpha quadrant».
11. «Timeless Passages»by G. L. Dartt
«Just remember, you can't always save others, Kathryn, but you can always save yourself».
12. «One last chance» by Grace
«A love that transcended realities defied death and reordered time. All due to one woman who changed the fate of the universe for one last chance. And somewhere that woman takes a huge sigh of relief, her heart and soul at rest».
13. «I Know Too Much» by Cirroco DeSade
«These two women were like my mothers they cared so much for me, but also like my daughters as I watch over them, trying to protect them as I can. That's paradoxical perhaps but ultimately unimportant. The important part is simply my love for them».
14. «The Chauffeur»by Sazzy
««But none of my pain mattered», added Seven with more forced resolve, «All that mattered was being there for you, in whatever way I could. There is no place I would rather be than by your side whether you remember who I am or not»».
15. «Rules of the Game»by Bailey B
«Everywhere around her is this soft warm light, and as Seven pulls me into her arms I feel the years fall away from me like leaves, until I am a young woman again and she is pressing her lips to mine…»
«Experiencing this, Seven recognised that what the Borg had once claimed of her as theirs, she had finally taken back and they would never possess again. Her journey home was complete - complete because of this woman in her arms».

Desperate Housewives
17. «One Life» by Femvamp
«There was nothing but two friends, living in two houses, sharing one life».

18. «Chrysanthemum»by Feather
«He knew, just like everyone else, that no flowers could grow when the sun didn’t shine»
19. «Snapshots of a Lady»by Debbie
«She quite suddenly seemed frail and elderly: still my beautiful lady, still as graceful as she had been all those years ago as a dancer, but now her grace was older and much more fragile».
20. «There's Nothing Here But The Ground»
«They were both sand, Sara thought. Longtime residents made for the desert».

Babylon 5
21. «WHAT GOES AROUND» by Castor
«He breathed a sigh of relief. Not that he was ashamed of protecting her, but he didn't want her to see him as some kind of Neanderthal, bullying anyone who so much as looked at his wife in the wrong way. Besides, in most situations (as he'd learned), Delenn was quite capable of looking after herself».
22. «Strange Bedfellows» by Ruth Owen
Delenn/Sheridan; Lennier/Vir
«Yeah... well... I'll let you get back to sleep, I guess. The doctor will flay me alive if I don't look after you properly. He only released you from med-lab into my care on the strict injunction that I make you rest and don't let you exert yourself».
23. «Passings Ephemeral»
«There's a double bed in that crystal house, well-used and well-jumped on by a nine-year-old boy with too much energy to burn. Babysitting is a good job to have, when it gets you a White Star in return. Someone else is doing well in the chair she used to sit in; she hardly cares any more. Going native, they used to call it».

24. «Lucy was there»by Thesinwithin
«She found herself watching their lives on replay. For the same things happened, and still. Lucy was there».
25. «Phantasmagoria» by springfall_kg
«It was not a thousand memories squeezed into a second. It was one stretched out forever, going on for as long as I was able to look».
26. «To Build a Golden Age» by chaos_pockets
«Susan cannot do it. Peter will not. And Edmund will not allow Lucy to come to the point where she thinks she has to.
And so, if there is blood on his hands, so be it».

Battlestar Galactica
27. «Loss» by elemental_fey
«We are ready to find Earth, and in that land of myth where anything can happen, the dead will live side by side with the living. We will be together forever».

Не родись красивой
28. «Куклы» by Loony
«Вот тогда я снова позову тебя. Без денег, без дома, без друзей ты не сможешь творить. Я дам тебе все - и привяжу к себе».
29. «Ручная» by algine
«Я позабочусь о ней - просто раскрою над ней свой волшебный зонтик, и мы обе окажемся в сказке, где не будет ни Zimaletto, ни Андрея Жданова. Только мы: я и Катя».

30. «Five Years Gone» by Settiai
«The graves get lonely when she doesn’t».
31. «You're The Ocean» by antipholus
«Shannon thinks of Kate as the ocean».

32. «The Lover» by Elizabeth
«Tonight, when I get home, I will get out my calendar and hold my hand over it, watch as a red circle appears, marking the date when she will return».

33. «Mortified» by Dee
«It took Gabriel two days to realise he was seeing in colour».
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