one more picture

Jul 26, 2005 00:57

Fandom: B5;
Character: Delenn;
the ruler )

picture, delenn, b5

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flarn_chef January 8 2007, 19:50:26 UTC
Yes.. I know....what hole was I hiding in that I missed this wallpaper. :::shakes head at self:::

AND I just realized recently that I have a bunch of your stuff, or I'm guessing that it is yours... 'mradak', which was sent to me a number of years ago by my friend JD aka Alya. If that is in fact you... thanks!


radak January 9 2007, 12:47:35 UTC
I don't know how you manage to overlook this, really.
Not shure what you are talking about. May be you've mistaken for someone else.


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 14:32:38 UTC
I don't know how you manage to overlook this, really.
Maybe subconsciously I overlooked it so in the future I'd find something new to me. :::rolls eyes at self:::

i>May be you've mistaken for someone else
I could be..... Russia is a BIG place! Here is a sample...


radak January 9 2007, 15:04:02 UTC
who knows, who knows, may be. Oh right, than's me. One of my first pictures. It was a long time ago when I just started to use Photoshop. Who'd know!


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 15:12:40 UTC
I was just guessing..... since they are labled as "mradak' and the person that sent them to me lives near Moscow. This was way before live journal, so I suppose she figured I'd never see your stuff here in the states.
The world has gotten so very small.....<*g>


radak January 9 2007, 17:07:57 UTC
yeah, it's a small world especially considering the fact that I live in Novosibirsk, Siberia, it's quite far from Moscow.


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 17:20:53 UTC
Yiiikes! Brrrrrrr......

I've found that B5 fandom and the internet has created a universe unto itself thus making Russia feel like it is just around the corner. :D


radak January 9 2007, 18:15:02 UTC
Yeah, agreed.
You know, last winter was cold, really cold, but this winter is good. The temperature hasn't yet fall below -20C.


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 19:02:25 UTC
Ok... so I had to actually looked up where Novosibirsk is. :::blushes:::

The pictures I checked show like a lovely city, but it sure is way the hell up there! What is the name of the river that runs through it? Now I'm being lazy.

How much daylight do you guys have this time of the year? me/curious We have about 9 hours and it sure ain't enough!


radak January 9 2007, 19:15:02 UTC
It's Ok, Novosibirsk is a big city but not very. The river name is Ob'
Well, we have around the same, I guess.


radak January 9 2007, 19:15:49 UTC
And were do you live btw?


radak January 9 2007, 19:16:39 UTC
Where are you from. *grin*


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 19:42:24 UTC
USA....from? I was born in Tampa Florida, but haven't been there since.


flarn_chef January 9 2007, 19:40:11 UTC
I live in Western Pennsylvania, a city called Pittsburgh. Lets see... it is about a 9 hour drive north east to New York City and 7 or so south east to Washington, DC. Oh, and 2 1/2 hours to Lake Erie.

We have 3 rivers running through town, consequently, there are far too many bridges. :)


radak January 9 2007, 20:02:21 UTC
I see. And do you have snow? Just wondering. I almost thought this winter would be snowless. But I was mistaken. It took two-three days and everything was covered in snow. And my car almost got stuck near my mum's house.


flarn_chef January 10 2007, 02:55:24 UTC
Sorry... had to run out for pet food.

We usually have had some snow by now, but nothing much yet. There has been some talk that we may get a storm like we had in '93. It was about 3 feet almost over night. I was snowed in for 2 days. I think our annual winter snow averages around 45 inches total.

So it has been unusually warm or mild.....GLOBAL WARMING??? A friend told me that a 41 mile stretch on the polar ice cap broke off, falling into the sea. It was seen by a satellite in space. *gulp*
Доброй ночи!


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