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Aug 29, 2011 00:35

Fandom: Voyager;
Pairing: Janeway/Seven;
Sunrise by BeachBum

“So let me see if I’ve got this straight. You basically kidnapped her from the Borg Collective, severed her connection to the only life she’d known since the age of six, stripped her of the technology that made her superior and then just cut her loose to ‘reclaim her humanity’? If I was Seven of Nine I’d have strangled you long ago. Instead, she manages to become human enough to fall in love with you and when she tried to let you know what you mean to her you pushed her away. You cut her loose again. And then, after you’d done everything possible to push her away, she takes up with Chakotay and now suddenly you’re in love with her and nothing in your world will ever be right again because you’ve lost her. That about sum things up or did I miss some salient fact?”

-Phoebe Janeway

picture, j/7, stv, voyager, f/f, star trek voyager

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