It's been at least a month since clearing out the last major issue with WW. Though there are still times I have a great deal of anger at her and SM, things seem to be mending. I've avoided going to the dojo, which has been a great help. Just seeing them hurts. What I'm finding, though, is that it's hurting less and less each time I run into them. I suspect we can never be friends again and if that's what it takes to keep my sanity, so be it.
I've been flirting with Laundry Goddess a bit, but she's in a closed quad, so that's as far as it can go. It's a pity, she's cute as hell and has a really great butt. [sigh] I've had asked out a friend, Dg, but I really don't think she's gonna be able to wrap her mind around dating a married guy. We have lunch occasionally, but I think that will be the extent of it.
Things with Gypsey never got off the ground. Not sure why. I suspect I was more attracted to her than she was to me. She said up front that she was more into women. We are still good friends.
Things with
Shirlee53 have been very good for a pretty long time now. It's re-enforced the knowledge of who really cares about me and who doesn't.
I found that Jen had been avoiding me because of the problems I was going through with WW. While I know I have leaned on her and Sharr too much in the past year, I have avoided bringing up the subject of WW and SM because I didn't wanna seem like I was whining nor that only thing I could talk to them about. It hurt to find out Jenn has been avoiding me. We discussed it over IM and a little over the phone. She seems to have been making an effort to be more friendly since we talked. It's good to have my friend back.
I told Sensei I was going to be taking a leave of absence from the dojo, only saying there was someone there it wasn't healthy for me to be around. If things seem to progress as well as they have been, then I may be prepared to get on the mat emotionally, prior to my knee injury being ready for me to get on the mat physically.
I'm just starting to come down off a bout with a cold I've had for a week. Been hacking my brains out.
We had the monthly poly meet-up last Sunday. I arranged to have one of the senior folk give a talk on basic polyamory. Only four people showed, including
Shirlee53, I, and the guy giving the talk. The only other person to show up was the one that runs the poly list. I can't see why a place as large as ours, with a list membership of over 200, can't get more than a couple of people to show up. There seems to be no poly community here and it's frustrating as hell. There a plenty of poly folk, just no sense of community.
I've a few projects I need to get on this weekend. Two are woodworking.
Our company's GLBT groups are merging, with the merging of the three companies. We have our first get together next Thursday, which
shirlee53 and I plan to attend and we're hoping my will be able to attend come join us. She's on break from college these two weeks.