(no subject)

Sep 12, 2011 10:30

There's a reason I tend to distrust people. Someone stole my Ritalin (generic version) right out of my kitchen. I am almost positive I know who it was, but that almost makes it worse. She tried to do it while I was sitting at my desk working, but Chad was home and walked into the kitchen. So she just came back later when she knew we'd be gone. Nice. Long story short, all our "controlled substance" meds are now in a locked box. Klonopin, Zanaflex, Vyvanse, Adderall... All locked up. I don't even know where the key is.

In other news, someone considered one of my best friends has basically stopped talking to me. I don't know what I did or if it's just because I'm me and he's sick of it, but yeah. I tried starting conversations with him a few times, no luck. So I've given up. I mean, why keep chasing someone who's over it? I'm so upset about this though. I feel like my dog ran away. :(

Birth control pills made me lose my damn mind. Stopped those with a quickness. I went on them to regulate my periods, but holy not worth it, Batman! Tried divorcing Chad last week. Why? Because Hunter left a light on. Yeah, that bad.

Other stuff is going on with work, but that's an entire entry I don't have time for right now. Okay, break's over. I gotta get back at this and tread water some more to keep from getting fired...


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