Well fuck...

Dec 19, 2005 19:28

Our puppy Max started throwing up last night. I was worried sick about our little terrier. After coming home from the vet today, I learned that he may or may not have Parvole or however the hell it's spelled. We can't vaccinate a sick dog or else we'll be doing to him what George W. Bush has been doing to America for all these years. Now, all I can do is play the waiting game while giving him antibiotics and nutritional suppliments.

I'm scared for him. 50% of the dogs that have what he might carry have died. I don't want him to die, especially this week. I don't want him taken from me . . . from us before Christmas. Hell, my family bought him his own stocking. If he dies, I'll break down every time I take a look at his stocking which hasn't had the chance to be filled with anything.

I've never been this attached to a pet before . . . And my father cracking jokes about replacing Max when he dies makes me want to punch his lights out. They want me to pray that Max gets better.

I'm not giving thanks to ANYONE or ANYTHING until I know our puppy will live.
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