Birthday:may 7th 89
Location:Spring Valley
Sex:? Which Kind
Sexuality: Straight
What would you normally be seen wearng?: Pieces of cloth
Clothing Stores You Like: Hanger 94 and old navy
Favorite color:BLUE
Have You Ever Gone Commando?: Um
8 favorite bands:Noise Ratchet, Pipedown, Action Action, Fall Out Boy, TBS, Die Radio Die, Rammstein, Atreyu
3 favorite songs: Right Side Of the bed, Burning, New Room
2 favorite movies: Behind Enemy lines, The Butterfly effect
5 things you like:Movies, Music, Friends, Really hott girls, guitar and bass
5 things you dislike:PUNK MUSIC, PPL WHO ARE POSERS, school, homework, being single
What makes you so fucking rad?HAHA i dont even need to answer this
Do you have a boy/girl friend? Nope :'(
If so how long have you been together?0 days
Do you....
Drink:i have
Smoke: i have
Do anything you shouldn't be doing:i dont think so
Any hobbies?:Guitar bass and riding dirtbikes
Anything else we didn't ask that you would like us to know about you insert here: um no
Whore us to someone and leave the link: WTF