Name: Justin
Age: 15
Birthday: 3/01/89
Location: El Cajon, CA
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight
What would you normally be seen wearng?: tight pants and a jacket
Clothing Stores You Like: ummm DSO, get the picture or if I have money I like to shop at expensive stores that sell nice suits
Favorite color: purple
Have You Ever Gone Commando?: yes, I do alot especially if my pants are really really tight undergarmets just have to go.
8 favorite bands: The Cooper Temple Clause, Elton John, Norma Jean, As I Lay Dying, Underoath, The Black Dahlia Murder, Zao, Pedro the Lion
3 favorite songs: Candle in the wind by Elton John, Blind Pilots by The Cooper Temple Clause, and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
2 favorite movies: Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction
5 things you like: God, My Apple computer, music, Ben Gautrey, and other stuff
5 things you dislike: pc computers, onions, soda, a lieing tounge, and alot of other negative stuff
What makes you so fucking rad? ummm because I always use the word "rad"
Do you have a boy/girl friend? not really
If so how long have you been together?...
Do you....Dove Creek, Colorado, is the pinto bean capital of the world.
Drink: no
Smoke: no
Do anything you shouldn't be doing: nope
Any hobbies?: yeah im good in graphic design and editing and other stuff
Anything else we didn't ask that you would like us to know about you insert here: ummm I love the mod of this community to death !!!
Whore us to someone and leave the link: only if I had time...
Finally 3-6 pictures of you:
im just giving you one cause im too freaking rad to waste my time and put more.