Oct 25, 2005 15:28
I enjoy not having Italian. I have time to sit and relax and do whatever for an hour or so without feeling like I have something else to be doing.
It finally feels like October. It makes me happy, even though I don’t have many cold weather clothes like sweaters, corduroys, scarves, etc.
I met an older couple from Australia a few minutes ago. He had this awesome dark blue tie with light blue/teal elephants on it. I complimented him, and soon we were introducing ourselves. It turns out they’re in town to see the one and only Dr. Hanks, my colleague.
“I like your tie.”
“Oh really? Thank you very much! Look dear, she likes my tie. We were just talking about it. One of her students from Thailand gave it to me, and it’s all Thai silk.”
“Oh yes. We were told that in Texas, an elephant has a political meaning.”
Dude. I love foreign people. They are awesome. Especially when they have awesome accents like British/Australian people do.
Eleanor Rigby is an awesome cold weather song. It’s an awesome song regardless, by far, one of my favorite Beatles’ songs.
Aileen is awesome. She printed out and turned in my Astronomy homework and brought me Christmas tree and koala cookies! Mmm!! They are amazing!
So, I’m going to have my posture aligned soon my Mrs. K. I’m actually pretty excited.
Faith gave me a CD today-- more importantly, a copy of the Wicked soundtrack!
The internet at CG isn’t working, so I am typing this entry up in Word.
Haha… a guy just came over and asked if my internet worked, which it doesn’t. Stupid router.
I just had a nice long conversation with David (from CG) and TJ. Fun times.
I need to go edit.
I love my nose piercing.
<3 Becca