Sep 21, 2004 03:08
well, i figured i'd better dust this thing off, and now is as good a time as any... (actually, now is a better time than most!)
I'm posting cuz i feel terrible about waking freezy after her concert tonight (it was wierd al, you swear she went moshing to that...). But i had to say something! cuz i got a present in the mail today!!! (she's lucky it came, cuz she spelt my address wrong...) AND DAMN!!!!! *dies from sensory overload* just when i might have you pinned down, you surprise me by making me find out that i haven't been pushing my boundaries at all!!! or maybe i have, and my special touch (for now, read gentle coaxing) was all that it takes to unlock all sorts of neat things about you... like that smile! ^^; thank you so much, chica! it has suddenly become one of the most enjoyable birthdays ever! but now i'm worried that i'll never be able to repay you properly! i have to go to victoria's secret right now! :gonk: anyways, leeshy, i'll get to you tomorrow some time during the day or night cuz i gotta talk to you! call me!
as to leslie... you're soooooooo one of the cooliest people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing! and now i'm afraid that if we saved you from your terribly boring and lame northern fate, your mind would readjust and not have the opportunity to be so unique any more! *cry* but yeah, i know that fairy tale, i know it well! (i read too much for my own good) i thank you so much! it bring me many smiles to imagine what kind of fit cynical would have at that!!! XDDD you're too much, and i love it, lesles!
anyways, i know this isn't in line with my other, decidedly more...lame posts, but i figured it's an okay way to start again. my months of waiting are almost over. my dawn of war game releases tomorrow, i'll go and pick it up thanks to my mom cuz she's buying it for me for my birthday! i'll have something to play! *cheers*
anyways, all in all, i have a family that i still care for even though we all hate each other, i have the best friends someone could want, online and in my ever-expanding real social life. i'm not in school cuz i can't afford it, but it may be the break i was looking for. my job is terrible, but only through suffering comes wisdom. as i stand now, it was an okay year, above average in regards to events... i survived it in relatively one piece. this was a good birthday, and now i can take advantage of drinking any time i want! *eyes dan's fridge as tumbleweed passes*
*raises glass* here's my best wishes to you, and i'm going to grace myself with a closing happy birthday to myself and the wish that i experience a hundred more! ^^; here's to the rest of my life!
this draws my birthday events officially to a close!
this is funny, considering i don't actually list my interests... (i think) XP i have never heard of some of these things, much less mentioned them... go figure...