Title: My Little Secret Chap 2.
Pairing: G-TOP
Ratings PG-13 for this part
Summary: Seunghyun is having an affair with Jiyong. Will this end in heartbreak or happiness?
So what did that key go to eh?
When Jiyong arrived at the 조르다 later that night it took everything he had not to turn on the heel of his 500 dollar louboutin boots and head in the opposite direction.This could not be the right building. He re-read the directions he had written down earlier today, hoping he was at the wrong place and groaned in annoyance when he realized he wasn't. 'What the fuck Hyun' Jiyong thought as he took in the building's condition. For a split second he considered blowing Seunghyun off and dragging his ass back home but as much as he wanted to walk away, Jiyong knew that if he did Seunghyun would punish him, not to say he didn't enjoy a little punishment every now and then but the last one had left him with a limp for a week and he did not want a repeat of that. Jiyong frowned and lifted his hand to knock.
"Here goes nothing" Jiyong knocked for a good 3 minutes before
remembering the key in his pocket and taking it out. With a sharp turn of the key the door creaked open and revealed a dark hallway. "The fuck" Jiyong muttered as he made his way down the dirty passage. When he reached the end of the hallway, he came to a big wooden door.
It was narrow and had a small wooden handle. The red bricks surrounding it were covered in dirt and the paint was chipping. Jiyong bit his bottom lip in contemplation and tapped his food nervously against the concrete floor. He and Seunghyun had been to some weird places but this by far was the creepiest. "Aw hell I've been to worse"Jiyong said as he reached forward and slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open. At first Jiyong was clueless as to what was going on but as he walked farther into the room he realized exactly what was happening.
As JIyong stepped unto the small stage, his eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the faces of the crowd. When Seunghyun had mentioned trying voyeurism Jiyong hadn't really thought he'd really go through with it. Thankfully he didn't recognize any of the people in the room, he knew that nothing that happened in this room would leave it Seunghyun would make sure of that.At the end of the stage stood Seunghyun in all his glory wearing a dark black suit, giving jiyong a look he knew all too well. As Jiyong made his way to Seunghyun he slowly shed his clothing,piece by piece hitting the floor with each step he took. When he reached Seunghyun he glanced at him ready for whatever Seunghyun was about to throw at him.
COCKTEASE!!!!!!! whats next? sex? is one of the audience members going to join? who knows next chapter might be out tomorrow XD
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