Summer '08 in review.

Aug 21, 2008 16:13

+ Finished painting the better part of my house. Babysat the house while my own personal (tranny) floor crew sanded, fine edged, and applied finish to the floors of the house. Also, kept my cool when two carpenter's showed up smelling like weed to install TEAK flooring in my bedroom. I am happy it turned out beautifully. I never thought I'd get accustomed to taking my shoes off when I enter the house. I'm finding that I take my shoes off when at other people's houses.

+ Hosted my future in-laws in my own front driveway. They planned a visit while the floors were drying, so they got to stay in the the camper they toted from Ohio. Sadly, I do not have a picture of this.

+ Witnessed the purple house getting refaced with sagey-puke color siding. Nice.

+ Visited the UMD campus. Very similiar to Delaware. Lots of red brick.

+ Made my return to San Diego. It was weird landing during the daylight, and not having to wait to day break to catch the 992 to downtown. I also took my first Bikram class. I humbly only completed about half of the poses. At one point I almost left the studio completely. I'm convinced the temperature was a few degrees hotter, and percentage of humidity was elavated as compared to what I'm used to at my 'home' studio. I left the class sore, and with a headache that I did not shake for 24 hours. Despite all this, I still wish there was a Bikram local to Newark, DE. It was wonderful.

+ Lewes, DE. AP Calculus training (enough said).

+ Freeport, Bangor, and Portland, Maine. Hiked up Mt. Katahdin (that's 5247 ft elevation folks). Visited Acadia National Park. Saw the L.L. Bean Outlet complex, and the hippies on summer vacation from Maine School of Art in Portland. Pictures to follow.

+ Signed my contract. I am officially a Math Instructor at the Delaware Military Academy starting next week! Teaching Calculus, Pre-Calc, and IEP math. !!!

+ Ben comes home from Cincinnati tomorrow. This week was his last roll-out of the summer. I am more anxious than usual for him to get home.

Again, pictures to follow
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