Our Cara Era Has Ended...

Apr 06, 2013 10:48

You haven't heard me talk much about Cara. However, she has been one of the pivotal figures in my life. I've known her for the entire length of this millennium, so far, and she's meant a great deal to me during that time.

Even now, for this brief memoir, I'll be witholding details about her. I may tell you all about her in person, but the wise member of modern society abhors broadcasting certain peronal details on social media.

She's always had a spiritual bent. Last year, that spirituality took a drastic and tragic downturn. Though influenced by various texts, her beliefs seemed unique to her.

Since late December, she gave into the depression that had plagued her for so long. She remained home for most of her time, cared for by her mother among others.

I fail to keep up with people. Though I saw Cara almost every day, I might not then have known about these problems had her husband and other family members not told me about them.

I had a nice, peaceful Easter with family. The following day, when I saw Cara's husband, he told me that she had just killed herself. It was a surreal experience getting the details so soon after yet having missed the event. I'll remember the minutae of this past weekend for a long time.

So far, Cara's family is taking things as well as can be expected but the reality of her passing is still so new. Understandably, things seem hardest on her mother.

Cremation is set for this coming Wednesday, April 10th. We plan to do an outdoor memorial later, on a date to be decided. Cara's husband encourages everyone to think of the cremation to be attended by any who feel the obligation (very close friends and family) and the memorial for those who truly want to be there.

We are also considering an informal gathering of friends to toast to life in the wake of tragedy. Furthermore, there may even be a tribute night at a club in the near future.

Cara's husband, I would say, has a fairly clear view of both the dark cloud and the silver lining. We have much grief to work through but we can look ahead and draw strength from having gotten through these bleak times.

He says his relationship with Cara represents about a quarter of his life. I've known Cara for over a third of mine. But our Cara Era, as it were, is over. This will take much getting used to.

I myself am doing okay. I've chiefly sought out people to talk to for emotional support. I've been alternating between that and light socializing. It's a happy thing that I have no shortage of friends.

That's about all I have to post at this time. There may be more in the future. For now, understanding and sympathy are welcome.
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