So hell week is over, phew! My spring break wasn't much of a break at all! I got a job at an animal clinic near my house and worked 54 HOURS last week to save some money, so i'm still pretty exhausted : p dunno if I did that face right, hmmm....anyways! I clean up poop and wash dogs for a living and I could'nt be happier! I loooove it! Just so tired...those of you that are around me know that I consider 12 noon early, well I have to be at the clinic at 7! But it's nice though because I really get to enjoy the day time, It's so beautiful this time a year and I'm finally back on a regular schedule. Things are going swimmingly except for a few things that are lagging behind school and.....da da love life (do not exist)!ehhh well, to busy making a life for myself.
Behind this cut you see the purty peekture of my new hair dooo! eeeeee!
It's teeny :( oh well. Byeee!
edit- here's a direct link to this picture in photobucket if any of you would like to see a larger picture!