I had planned to put this post off for a bit--I have what I think is pinkeye, and so I'm wearing a really old pair of glasses that make everything look utterly wonky and make me have to squint in a weird way until I can get to the eye doctor tomorrow--but Balticon was so completely awesome that I can't just sum it up with "that was cool, more later
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By the way, I met this really awesome webcomic artist. He does this nifty comic with dots... ;)
I miss the living heck out of you, hon! It always makes me so happy to read your entries - then I know how you're doing. :)
I miss you too! And I'm sorry to hear about your recent ouchies. But I hope that at some point we'll be able to catch up in person or on AIM--and I want to meet your lovely wife someday, and make dinner for you!
Yes! I will give you my super!sekrit AIM name so that you can see me when I'm on AIM again! Which is your preferred e-mail address? I also have teh Skypez0rz, which make chatting a lot less expensive.
Once we have enough money to travel more frequently, we will definitely be doing the con circuit and I will see to it that Balticon makes it on there now and again! XD
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