I have a huge week coming up (more on that later), but for right now, have some more kink meme coming-out:
God, this is surpassing "prolific" and heading towards "graphomania".
Contempt of Court. Prompt was PW/Final Fantasy VII. No, I haven't played FF7 and I probably never will for a whole host of reasons, which is why it's short rather than having, you know, actual depth.
another bright red day. Prompt was a Phoenix Wright version of Sweeney Todd. May be revised and reposted here, but I'm pretty happy with it as a whole.
A straight-into-comment-box fic. Prompt was ALL YOUR BASE etc etc.
Once Upon A Dream. Prompt was Sailor Moon SuperS crossover wherein Edgeworth's dream mirror gets stolen. There is a terrible sucky grammar error in part 2 that's driving me crazy, my OTP is showing like nobody's business, and you can tell what an awful romantic I am... but, you know what, if I can't be a romantic on the kink meme then I can't be one anywhere.
...Until Someone Loses An Eye. Prompt was Edgeworth finding out about the "Perfect Prosecutor" game. (The alternate ending was Phoenix comparing it to Cooking Mama.)
And now for the (extremely belated) Really Big Reveal:
the choice you make. Prompt was "Phoenix or Edgeworth in Silent Hill". Initially I thought it'd just be a one-shot. Then I thought it might be two or three parts. And eventually I ended up with eighteen chapters' worth of monsters, guilt issues, Thematic Elements, and elevators. I am ridiculously proud of this fic, flaws and all, but especially because it was what really opened the floodgates.
Now for a tall glass of water and some backyard bunny-watching. :3