Feb 26, 2007 12:13
First day of uni today! I guess it's not really as bad as I had anticipated - it seems that my post-Orientation panic was just the paranoia talking. But then again, it was only one lecture that I went to this morning. I have another this afternoon (Accounting for Business, save me ...) and my tutes don't start til next week. So that's something of a reprieve.
In other news, Cleo is as cute as ever. It absolutely killed me to leave her here in her box while I went back to the coast on saturday night, worse still because I only went to go out and didn't even end up leaving the house. Had a shocking headache after work, think I might be developing allergies :( And I think she's a bit cranky with me now, as every time I put her back in the box she picks up her food bowl and throws it around for a bit. Seriously. My rabbit has anger issues.
Fortunately I won the auction for my lovely rabbit hutch on Ebay last night (may have gone some $50 over my maximum, but so be it). I just have to figure out how to pick it up from Forestville, sadly lacking in private transport. We'll see, I think Ben is coming down for basketball one day this week, maybe he'll stay til the evening and drive me if I bribe him with Thai food. Now that will work wonderfully, there's a little Thai restuarant down the road that I've been just itching to try but I'm not really the dine alone kind. Can't normally justify the money either!
Also: online poker has eaten my brain. Bad Rackel.
the cottage,
bunny love,
uni life,