Fellow VM Geeks...

Feb 27, 2007 22:59

Like the rest of you last weeks episode sent me through a whole load of emotions I didn't think I could feel over a TV show/character... even more than when the evil Joss killed off my Cordy in Angel! anyways, I'm a bit of a reflector and things take time to process through my brain and my thoughts go off on tangents... as it appears so do my posts, I will get to the point!

I got to thinking that there isn't a Lamb autograph or peiceworks trading card in the S1 or the upcoming S2 sets and that if they don't have one in the S3 set we won't ever have one. Yes, I know collecting cards is geeky but it's my 'thing' and it saddens me to think that I may never own a peice of Lamb's uniform!!

So I wrote to Inkworks who make the cards asking if they would consider either a peiceworks or autograph card for the S3 set. Today I got a reply saying that they will pass it to their 'Creative Department' for consideration. The point of this post is to ask if everyone would email them so that they know there is a demand and will hopefully do something for the next set!

Website: http://www.inkworkscards.com/
Email: info@inkworks.com

mods: hope I've got this tags thing right... if I've missed something please edit!!
p.s. For any newbies to the community who don't know... Michael and Jason Dohring will be at the Breakout convention in London - details: http://www.starfury.co.uk/

pimp post, trading cards

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