...as has been tradition, I will wish us all LUCK tonight. May this premiere have an ample amount of Nielsen-noted viewers so we can put to rest the notion that there might not be a full VMars Season 3. I feel as though the scripts are good enough to actually GAIN viewers as the weeks go by. Only time will tell.
Have fun! Make your voices heard after the show! Write to everyone about everything! VMars, Lamb, whatever!
As long as I'm here, I should let you know that tomorrow I'm taping a segment for CNN (only airing in California I believe and will air later in the night and then I'm told about 25 times over the next week) in regards to the launch of a new season of VMars and regarding the run for pancreatic cancer happening later in the month. If you still want to donate, click here: (p.s. thank you and I love you for your generosity and kindness you guys have shown with this)
https://www.lacancerchallenge.com/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=163669&lis=1&kntae163669=7EBB54103E2A4D16882895E26D921078&supId=103731841 In the spirit of what you all do so well, I'll actually provide a link to a blurb that was sent my way:
http://neptunesite.com/lambcc.htm (interview over at neptunesite)
And holy crap! Lamb needs more "friends" at myspace. Thanks to rowanlove for giving everyone the "heads-up." You can spread the word that I have been able to click on many of the people's profiles at myspace who have friended me (thanks to my new DSL, surfing the net is sooooooo fast!) We can totally do better on the "friending" thing, so here's the link for that:
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=107432238&MyToken=df61c71e-22ca-4df8-9c45-b46261229d33 Okay my dear Hobbits...enjoy tonight. Hopefully we'll have another 21 nights of VMars this season after tonight. Hell, some people are trying to save the whales, others want peace in the world, we too, are fighting for a worthy cause: "Keep VMars on the air!"