maybe she'll be the one to look past what i am

Feb 24, 2012 00:38

Today was freaking awesome. I got up at 9:30 so I could get ready to go to the museum and mess around online for a bit beforehand. When I got to the museum, I went to the cafe and got a knish (they're so addictive). Then, after making the coffee (!!!), I chatted with the volunteers (they're always quite amusing) and they jokingly made fun of me for leaving early to go out and enjoy the beauteous weather.

Luis met me while I was still on duty at the elevators, but as soon as I was relieved, we struck out to do monumental things! He determined that we walked about 5 miles today. We went to the FDR monument (which is quite a hike to get to in the first place), then we visited Lincoln, then some geese, then World War II, then Martin Luther King, Jr before finally going to the Ronald Reagan building to get some Quizno's (always). We had a lot of amusing conversations. We make each other smile a lot. ♥ And, hey, he doesn't make me feel like a weirdo!

Me: I have social anxiety. That's why I was worried about getting food, because I thought I might get it all over me and then you'd be creeped out by my Grease Monster-ness... But I didn't make a mess! This was a Sammie Success!
Luis: (grins)
Me: What?
Luis: (keeps grinning)
Me: The rhyme?
Luis: Yeah! That was impressive! ...I used to be shy, but then I stopped.
Me: I used to be shy, but then I stopped being shy and became awesome instead.
Luis: Well, I didn't do that.
Me: You're MADE of awesome!

He is really fun and... easy to spend time with. That sounds less nice than it is. It is really nice to not have to constantly worry about coming across like some kind of insane person. He gets me. :) Which is nice. And we've already got some pretty great in-jokes.

When we went back to the Metro, my card wouldn't work and I had a moment of flail before the station manager helped me through. I think Luis could tell I was flustered, but he just kept saying, "I don't know. It's okay, though. No one will let you get stuck."

And, right before we hug, he always gives me this little 'hug me?' look that I quite like.

So that was my day. I feel blissfully tired.

mushy stuff, date, nerdfighterlike, luis, nerdfighters, washington dc

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