Enjoy what you have! Never mind fame and power.

Jan 13, 2011 19:08

That's what my fortune cookie just said. Wha- what, I don't have fame and power? Oh, god dammit. :( I thought I had fame and power.

I keep smelling weird things. Earlier, I thought I smelled chocolate when I was at the Holocaust Museum. And now, something smells orangey. Winter Nose™ is a terrible thing to have. It's out of its mind and it doesn't even have a mind. I just sneezed while writing this.


This has been a pretty exhausting week, but today wasn't so bad. I enjoy working at the Holocaust Museum. I'm still clinging to the hope that it might turn into an actual paying job someday soon. But I always have a good time there. The staff is very nice and funny, the visitors are generally pleasant and there's nothing overly taxing about being there. It's the type of thing where I don't mind being away from the attractive internet for a while and working. It's probably not normal to say I volunteer there because it's fun, but I do. And it's interesting. I'm still psyched about this Holocaust story I have in mind. I feel more knowledgeable about it now, too.

As I walked through the exhibit today, I was overcome with the urge to watch The Pianist again. So that'll be happening tomorrow, after my interview at the park. I'm hoping to volunteer at a nearby wildlife park so I have something else to give me experience, keep me from being bored, etc. I might not end up going there til the Spring, though.

I still feel like I'm in an odd place right now. I'm caught between jobs that are too good for me and jobs that I'm too good for. I want to work and have money and something to do, but I worry about losing all of my time to have fun. I don't want to have to give up the things I enjoy. But I don't want to keep feeling so poor and useless.

I was reminiscing about college on the bus home this evening. I never thought I'd do that.

In college, you know who you are.
You sit in the Quad and think "Oh my god, I am totally gonna go far!"

writing about writing, nostalgia lane, college, holocaust museum, life goes on, volunteer job, frustrations, job

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