put the sprinkler on the lawn and run through with my gym shorts on

Sep 07, 2010 20:12

No news on the job front, but personal stuff is going well, for the most part!

+ I hung out with Kat on Sunday. We went on an adventure. First, we went to Cold Stone and got ice cream. I had the best ice cream, ever. (Cinnamon with graham cracker and Reese's cups in it.) Then we went to Old Town and looked at parrots on the dock. Then we decided to go to the movies, to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (again, for me). We went to a theatre only to find that it wasn't playing there. So we went into a nearby Panera to use their free wifi and figure out where it was playing. It turned out to only be playing at a theatre we'd never been to, so we went on an ADVENTURE! I knew we would. I always end up going on adventures with Kat. ♥ We got lost on the way there. The theatre was not exactly easy to find. It was in a mall. That never helps. We were there about 15 minutes late, but it didn't really matter. We still LOLed. When the movie was over, Kat realized that she didn't have her car key, so we scoured the movie theatre for it, but didn't find it. So we asked at the desk and searched the floor before trying the theatre again. Luckily, they were in no rush to clean it or lock it. Whew. That time, I spotted it sitting on the lower drink holder! With my naked eye! So that was a relief. Then we left and proceeded to get lost trying to find the right exit. XD THEN, when I did get home, my sister had locked me out of our apartment because she locked the stupid, superfluous top lock that can only be opened from inside. She really needs to stop using that. I'm gonna take it off one of these days, when she's not looking. But anyway, overall, it was happy fun times!

+ I mailed off my mysterious Project Rhett & Link box o' presents for... Rhett and Link. !!! So hopefully they'll go to their PO Box soon and get it, and hopefully they'll like it! I already put my video response on YouTube, under 'private'. It wouldn't do to let anyone see it yet. :D I'm proud of myself and my limited set of skills.

+ Cheaply, I was able to order their Looking For Ms. Locklear documentary DVD! It was discounted, off of their Kommunity. And it's the last thing I'm buying myself for a while... not counting my Halloween costume, cos, c'mon. I needs that.

+ Today, JOHN GREEN TWEETED TO ME!!!! Okay, so I asked him if Paper Towns was really not becoming a movie. I had read somewhere (I think Eff Yeah! Nerdfighters!) that he had decided that no movie would do it justice, so I said I commended his decision, but then he said, "@squinchilla It's not up to me. I don't have the millions of dollars one needs to finance a movie, sadly." So now, while I'm like WEEEEEE! because he tweeted to me, I'm also kind of... feeling dumb cos it sounds like I'm commending him for not having financing. D: But I think he knows what I meant. I'm nice, dammit!

+ And, on the nerd front (pauses for laughter since ALL of this was "the nerd front"), I am in love with the RPG I'm in. I just started playing one of my strongest characters, ever AND I am playing a Linkalike. Also, aside from that, I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird and loving it, and I'm looking forward to NaNoWriMo cos the brilliant story formulating in my head is made of win and I cannot wait to write it!!

My cup pretty much runneth over with awesome. Now I just need a job.

john green, writing, idk my bff kat, adventures, nanowrimo, twitter, volunteer job, addiction: rhett and link, rpgs: heritage lake, nerdfighters

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