FIRST! A meme from
musical_junkie! :D
→ What song are you currently addicted to?
"Maine Man" - Rhett & Link... followed closely by, um. All their other songs. *hides*
→ What's your favorite season?
AUTUMN! Especially October. Mmm, I love October.
→ What’s the latest movie you watched?
I just watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? about two hours ago. I love it so. I hadn't seen it since I was a child.
→ What is the one skill you wish you had?
Being able to really play music. Like, well.
→ What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Hahahaha. Two guys from North Carolina. I think their names are Lett & Rhink...
→ What's your favorite musical instrument?
U-K-U-L-E-L-E! UKULELE! (Hey!)
→ What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
YouTube, Twitter, the RhettAndLinKommunity, FOTC forums, roleplaying games... DailyBooth... Facebook... Livejournal...I think that's-- No, also Tumblr... That's it.
→ What was the last thing you bought?
Groceries? I'm so exciting.
→ If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Donate half of it to cancer treatment and use $3,000 of it to visit friends on the West Coastal area and $2,000 of it to visit friends in the East Coastal areas (cheaper cos I live over here, so no plane ticket required. :) )
→ Favourite time of day?
→ What's the last thing that made you happy?
A bunch of Mythical Beasts randomly telling me that they love me, just cos I entered the Kommunity chat room... :') Completely ridiculous, but :')
→ Do you want to learn another language?
Yes. I'd actually really like to learn Hebrew. It's so pretty!
→ Five things you can’t live without.
Music, laughter, my friends, my family, rodents.
→ Tag eleven people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you.
I tag:
moonquail! ♥
SECOND! I'm majorly feeling the love lately, you guys. I don't know where it came from, but Rhett and Link's fans love me, Rhett and Link love me (!!!), Bret and Jemaine love me, Ben Stiller loves me, you all love me, random people on YouTube love me, my co-volunteers love me, my cats love me... It's enough to make me burst.
I love you all so much, too. You keep my creative thoughts buzzin' around my head, and, quite frankly, you give me reasons to get up every day. There are plenty of days where it's hard for me to face the day, but then I remember something one of you told me or one of you texts me or I sign onto the computer and I've gotten nice messages, and I just want you to know that it is all so, so appreciated and I love you. I don't always respond, cos sometimes I'm so blown over that I don't even know what to say. But it is always met with happiness and blushiness and tears. :') So thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
THIRD! Here are the next few Vlogust songs! Man, I'm terrible with posting these! XD
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