- 5girls5minutes ~ each of us will film five-minute, unedited videos. Tally thought of this!
- We won't be assigned days like 5 Awesome Girls, except for the first week of videos where we'll take turns introducing ourselves :)
- We can give ourselves challenges or specific topics whenever we want to, when wanted/needed!
- I think that's everything. Any questions or changes? We can start next week, if we're all ready. XD I'm really eager.
- My email is - just in case that's needed.
I SAW CONAN O'BRIEN!!! The show was amazing. I laughed so hard and so much that I ended up sounding like a pre-pubescent boy, and I clapped so much that my hands were red and sore by the end. THEN. He stood right in front of me, signing autographs. :D He was rushed along by event staffers, so I didn't get to actually technically meet him. We didn't exchange words. But I was eyes-to-chest hair with him. He is over a foot taller than me. He's kind of a giant to me. It was awesome. I wish I could've actually posed for a picture with him, but there were probably around 200 people clustered together and he only had a few minutes before he had to take off. I feel lucky to have seen him at all. :) I filmed some, so you'll see that tomorrow.
And just cos this smile is cute:
You can see how crazy the crowd was. @_@ He's loved. It's a good thing! The alternative is no fun for anyone.
I was only gone for three days but I feel like I've been gone for a month.