A meme.
• Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
alec_towser asked me questions.
1. What are your favourite fandoms, other than FotC?
Lately I've become quite a fan of
John & Hank Green. I don't know if they can be considered a "fandom", but they've got a lot of fans, so maybe? I also love The Beatles and most fans of theirs that I've met have been stellar. Same with The Who. I'm a big music fan, in case you couldn't tell. :D
2. What sort of music do you like to listen to?
Hee hee, I guess you could tell. I listen to all sorts of music: classic rock, comedy, musicals, folkish stuff, classical and even a teensy bit of country and rap, but mainly only one or two of those types of songs. If it makes me cry or laugh or contains any ukulele, I dig it.
3. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Uhh... I'm not the most adventurous person when it comes to food. I did once try to make a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich. It turned into grilled mess. That was pretty weird. And crispy. And hard to eat.
4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Wellington, New Zealand!!!! Definitely. :) I'd move there right this second if I could.
5. Who's your favourite comic-book superhero and why?
I really like Rorschach from Watchmen. I hope that counts, because it is, after all, the best selling graphic novel of all time. :D
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