we do routines and chorus scenes that are too hot for cable

Jul 29, 2009 01:46

Didn't do much of anything today. Jenn and I went to see Mom and she helped us out so we'll be more on track with our bills. Whew.

I wanted to write today, but I kept getting distracted. Luckily, my mind is a good playground for thoughts so no ideas ever really slip away.

Speaking of slip away, I sang (and whistled) "Slip Away" to Habichuela the other night and he loved it. :D He was a bit of a grumpy bastard tonight but I think it's cos his tummy's still getting used to the new hay. I hope he'll calm down soon.

Calm a llama down.

Tomorrow (actually... later today... Eek!), Kat and I are going to dinner and maybe hanging out afterwards. I'll be sad when she goes back to school because I probably won't see her again until next summer. :( Unless I nag her to visit during breaks!

That's pretty much everything. Exxxcept...


I was tagged by lcuddywannabe. ♥

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

I tag... makebelievetree, illusionedwords, schizophrenic, jinxycat, adovesosoiled, sunnyringo, samedi_kat and athelasleaf! That doesn't mean you have to do it, though. I'll still love you.

1. Who sleeps in bed next to you? My two stuffed squirrels, Gandalf and Nutley.

2. Have you ever fancied a cartoon? I'd marry Cosmo the Fairly Oddparent, if he wasn't married already... and a cartoon.

3. What are you reading right now? The NeverEnding Story! So good.

4. What's your occupation? Currently, just "lazy person". Still hoping for that call from the toy store any day.

5. What do you hate right now? Waiting.

6. Who is your celebrity crush? I'm with lcuddywannabe, this question is stupid. I love Bret McKenzie and everybody knows it... including him!

7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction? Flight of the Conchords and The Mighty Boosh.

8. What is your greatest fear? Heights! Like, I can't even stand on a step stool without shaking and rushing to get back down. It's bad. It all comes from being hobbit-sized.

9. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of? Pasta. And I have!

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online? FA Forum, Twitter, LJ, YouTube, MySpace (much more briefly than I used to, though). I actually have a long list of sites I check every day. That will change once I'm actually, you know, busy.

11. What are you going to do next year? Whoa! I have no idea... Hopefully hang out with my friends loads more, go to NYC more, etc.

12. What was the cutest thing you've seen today? Habichuela eating a piece of hay like it was a tiny ear of corn.

13. What's your favorite month? October, definitely.

14. What is your favourite type of cheese? Cheddar! I'm picky about cheese cos I eat grilled cheese like no other. Sometimes, I eat it for lunch and dinner, and then lunch again the next day. My blood is probably cheese.

15. Do you want to learn another language? Bien sur, mais je pense que je sais francais... Comme-ci comme-ca, mais ca suffit pour moi maintenant. Je ne suis pas tres rapide avec les langes. C'est apres cinq ans dans l'ecole, tu sais!

16. 5 things you can't live without. My laptop, my FOTC DVD(s), my paperback copy of Alice in Wonderland, my chinchilla ♥, my head.

17. If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet? Bret McKenzie again! And his wife Hannah! And, maybe Noel Fielding? I don't really know how I'd act around Noel. I think, with him, I'd be unbelievably shy for some reason.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? I'm glad you acted nicely. I was panicking beforehand.

19. What are you looking forward to? Black Seeds in NYC (if I can swing it) and having a fun jobby job!

20. What did you dream last night? I haven't been able to remember my dreams lately. :( I haven't been sleeping as heavily as I used to. For some reason, I wake up two hours before I'm supposed to and then, when my alarm goes off, I feel like I just fell back to sleep.

Time to read about Atreyu's adventures in Fantastica as I fall asleep and try to dream about luckdragons for once.

addiction: flight of the conchords, nother meme thingie, addiction: mighty boosh, love: bret mckenzie, job, kat, habichuela

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