emeraldqueene + Leave me a comment saying "I AM THE LIZARD KING, I CAN DO ANYTHING."
+ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
+ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
+ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. What was the first fandom you got into?
I suppose it would've been The Beatles, when I was twelve. John first attracted me. He had me at "I now declare this bridge OPEN!" :) Unless Jim Carrey counts as a fandom, they were the first major major thing I fell in love with. I immediately bought all of their albums on CD, I bought VHS copies of their movies, I bought books. I went berserk. And I still love them to this day. It's hard to not love The Beatles. (And my favorite is George.)
2. What made you first love FOTC?
I was watching the first episode when it first aired on HBO. I was on my computer at the same time and not really paying attention. :O I now am shocked at my stupidity. But, during "I'm Not Crying", I looked up and saw Bret and heard him say, "I've just been cutting onions. I'm making a lasagna...for one." I nearly died laughing. And I've been in love with him ever since. ...Yeah, I'm a fan because of him.
3. What movie will always make you happy?
Oh, Alice in Wonderland, definitely. When I was really sick with that unknown stomach pain problem that never got diagnosed, I lay down on my bed and watched Alice and it helped me calm down and fall asleep for the first time in the 48 hours I was sick.
4. If you had to pick one CD to take with you to a deserted island, what would it be?
This is difficult. I have a LOT of CDs... Um. Probably Video Kid's "Prototype". I've got to have Bret with me and "Slip Away" would be perfect to listen to on an island. ♥
5. What is the best trip you've ever taken?
I've only been overseas once... But I don't know. Scotland was cool, but I love Disney World. XD I once went to Disney World and rode The Haunted Mansion five times in a row, and then some more later that same trip. Scotland has ghosts, but they don't sing.
That's such a dorky answer, but at least it's honest?