May 01, 2007 11:40
The movers came yesterday, and as I expected, they didn't need both days to pack. They guessed the shipment at about 1/2 the weight allowance, which is just fine. The packers were really great, though. They were very nice, and from what I saw they were not skimping on paper or anything like that. They even had numbered security seals that they put on the top and the bottom of all the boxes of DVDs, CDs, and things like the VCR.
And they LOVED me. All three of them mentioned to me how prepared and organized we were and how nice and clean everything was. Then we fed them a nice lunch, so they really liked me then. The bummer is that they aren't the company who inventories all the furniture and loads the truck. They're coming on Wednesday. We tried to see if they could come earlier, but no luck.
The force shaping board results come out tomorrow, so we'll be glued to Matt's cell phone. His seior rater (who is a one-star) is supposed to call him. Everyone expects he'll be retained, but it's still floating around in the back of my head.
I just want to get our stuff on a truck so I can finish up cleaning everything with a stinking toothbrush so we can clear quarters.
Everything I own is in a box and I'm actually relieved. Weird.