001. Real name → Rachz
002. Nickname → Rhionne / Anna 'Anthrax' Lexington (Hoorah for alter egos, y/y?)
003. Status → Single
004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
005. Male or female → Female
006. Elementary Primary → Bushmead Primary School - famous for it's bastardisations of teachers and fluorescent jumpers, as standard.
007. Middle School →
008. High School
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2 days til doomsday now :s
Oh no, I have an unexpected and unexplained attack of the hiccups!!! *pinches nose and attempts to hold breath* *has strange buzzing sound in ears as slowly turns blue*. Hmmmm... methinks the upside down water cure may be the only remedy.
Although at first striking me as Aquinas' theory of Causation, I believe that you may be referring 'Causality' - basically that everything in the universe is caused by one or more of the four 'fundamental forces': gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism. Though admittedly physicists do find this area a little dodgey and in contradiction to other laws (such as the second law of thermodynamics). Oh, Physics. I miss you. And Maths. And Chemistry. Not English Literature though - I just completed my essay on Jekyll and Hyde (y).
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