So today is Rememberance Day (for all you Canadians) and I unfortunately had to work instead of going the ceremony in Ottawa (it's really awesome because all the WWII vets are there with all their medals and everyone cheers for them and I cry). Anyway, let me remind you that I work in a's NEVER quiet in there, there's ALWAYS some sort of note. But anyway, at 11am our manager had told us we were going to observe a moment of silence and to tell our tables. So I told my tables...but anyway...there was a HUGE lobby full of people waiting to sit down and the restaurant was full to the brim and at 11am Allison came out and just yelled "OK it's 11 so we are going to observe a moment of silence." and turned off the music and the WHOLE restaurant just went DEAD silent. I was in awe. I almost cried. It was so amazing how every single person in the restaurant stopped talking. Not to mention that I was thinking about Jonathon and how at this time next year he will be a veteran. So that's my story.
In other news, I have a huge crush on one of my profs. You wouldn't think he's hot to look at him, but I think he is soooooo sexy. Because he's really funny and he's not an ass and he's really smart and he makes the freakin' industrial revolution interesting and he always wears sport coats and he's just sexy. Joey always gets mad at me because I go on and on about how big of a crush I have on him. It's either old men or profs that I have thing for.
-Um, ok I just really miss Vaughn. *SIGH* When I heard his voice on the tape and when Syd was shopping alone I was just really sad. It's not fair! BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE!! But man, Syd is a hot pregnant chick. On the preview for next week she looked hilarious! And when she was at the engagement party...the way she got into the guy's room was just priceless!
-OK Rachel was really really hot as a hooker. But I wanted her to be sexier and more confident. Like Sydney. Of course, I'm sure she'll get there. But anyway, I thought she did really well. Oh, and sidenote, it was hilarious when Marshall was telling her how he had done some undercover spy work. LOL!
-YAY for seeing Nadia!!! But does anyone else feel totally jipped that Weiss isn't on the show? I AM PISSED! Seriously!! We lost Vaughn and Weiss! It's so not fair. And I don't understand why Weiss wasn't more upset about Nadia being in a coma. *SIGH*
-Oh and once again, not nearly enough Jack. *rage*
-Um, what is UP with Nick's mustache? I'm not feeling the stache.
-OK, when the cop was saying "goodbye" to his partner I started crying. I hate that shit so much. I felt so lame sitting there alone crying, but it was so upsetting. Especially since that is Jonathon's profession of choice. And how his wife was pregnant for their third child. OMG. The tears.
-And random note about CSI:Miami and CSI: New York from this week....HELLO MR. SARK WITH YOUR AMERICAN ACCENT!!!!!!!! He was SO on it! Yaaaaaaaaaay!!! *loves Sark* And also, the fact that the whole thing ended with Mac (or Leuitenant Dan, as I like to call him) saying "You rot in hell you son of a bitch!" was so sexy.
And just because I'm such a meme whore, I stole this from
monkey_pants :
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Livejournal along with your seven songs.
1) Don't Get Mad, Get Even - Aerosmith
2) Juicy - Better Than Ezra
3) Brighter than Sunshine - Aqualung
4) Play Something Country - Brooks and Dunn
5) When I Get Where I'm Going - Brad Paisley
6) Feeling Good - Muse
7) My Best Friend - Tim McGraw