ok. I have extremely mixed feelings about these. I like that they are full of clues and symbols and not just a plain background but they kinda really suck. See for yourself.
Bree Ok. This is one of the bestest. It's simple, yet very beautiful. Colours are eye catching and the scenery behind her is perfect. I love the broken craddle behind her. But the fake belly, just randomly put on the sofa, is a no-no. It looks incredible out-of-place and the craddle already tells us about the baby.
Gabrielle The wedding setting isn't really fitting. The wedding was last season and it'll blow over in 3-4 storylines already. The picture isn't glamorous enough. Although the two faint shadows of men in the background is pretty cool.
Susan The 4 seasons. What.the.fuck. It looks pretty but OH SO out of place. And with the big fake butterflies in the trees... really, what were they trying to do!?!?!? The seasons don't represent Susan at all! She never changed a bit during the last seasons... and they are suppose to represent somethign changing, evolving. Yeh, right. The complete opposit of Susan. Thank you, that helps us. And, why does she have like a bathrobe on!?!?
Edie Ok, that is just seriously creepy. Whatever happens to Eddie (dies, lives...) we wont be reminded of the hanging always. And what is up with the creepy mirrors! They remind me of those at the carnival... room filled with scary clowns. Yeh, good effect. *rolleyes* She looks like a Barbie doll and those shoes are YUCK! Come ON it's EDDIE we are talking about. They should have just put her alone in a big empty black room or soemthing. Anyways, moving on.
Lynette The ebst and not just because it's my dear Flicka. Its the most simple and she looks absolutly GORGEOUS. Her clothes don't represent her at all though. And those heads are scaring me but it's very good symbolizing. Or whatever how you spell that.
If you read all that. Congrats.
Does seem like I hate them, but I really don't. They are the bestest I have seen in a long time. But don't get me started on the fire/water promo. *rolleyes* Reminds me of one of those reallt crappy music videos on Much Music.