I hope this isn't going to come off as too cheeky to anyone but here goes...
I may have mentioned to people that my older brother, John, is currently travelling around the world with his girlfriend. At the end of the trip, they are going to spend 10 weeks in Madagascar working on a charity project which is all about helping the people out there. This is with a registered UK charity called Azafady. Which has a website at
www.madagascar.co.uk .
For those that don't want to click on the website, here's a few pertinant bits of information:
Madagascar, the world's fourth largest island, has a staggering diversity of plant and animal species, some 80% of which are found nowhere else on the planet. It lies in the Indian Ocean separated from Mozambique on the African continent by 400 kilometres wide Mozambique Channel. It has a surface area of some 600,000 square kilometres. Besides being the home of the lemur, the island supports two thirds of the world's chameleon species, plus the cancer-treating Rosy Periwinkle.
While one of the biologically richest places on earth, it is also one of the world’s poorest countries. Only about a quarter of the 17 million population has access to safe drinking water - as few as a tenth in rural areas - and the infant mortality rate is a horrendous 1 in 10. The country typically spends as much on debt repayments each year as it does on health and education combined. Annual per capita income remains one of the lowest in the world and the population often have to struggle to survive.
Now comes the cheeky bit. In order to do this, they need to raise money. Ordinarily this wouldn't be much of a problem 'cos they are two inventive types however the problem is they are currently halfway around the world. They have both coughed up 500 each which is a quarter of the amount needed and will cover any expenses they incur out there so any donations will go directly to the charity. I've donated a fair bit myself and am doing a sponsored silence this coming Thursday in order to raise a bit more.
However anyone else that feels like donating to this incredibly worthy cause, please spare whatever you can to this:
Donation link . I can not emphasise enough how much of a worthy charity this is and I can assure you that my brother and his girlfriend will use the 10 weeks to help out the best they can. Viv, John's girlfriend, is a budding ecologist and John is never afraid of a bit of hard work.
Please, please, please, please, please spare whatever you can. Thanks.
I'm screening all comments so if you have any private questions to ask about this, ask away.