FOX news

Jan 22, 2008 22:29

I was watching FOX tonight (the only channel I get in my room), and they had an update about all the presidential candidates...well, ALMOST all of them.

For some reason, FOX news has been blatantly ignoring Ron Paul (who has an enormous online following, from what I can tell). Does anybody else think this is terrible? Even if I wasn't a supporter of Ron Paul, I'd still be enraged that a network would make it seem as if there are fewer candidates than there actually are. It's misinforming the public.

You may be thinking "Who the heck is Ron Paul?" I encourage you to read about him:

but seriously, read about all the candidates. And don't be blinded by "Republican" or "Democrat" labels. I don't agree wholly with any one particular candidate...but Ron Paul is definitely someone worth paying attention to. I never used to care much about politics, but after reading about some of the things Ron Paul stands for, I realized that I have been taking my freedom for granted, and little by little if we let our government take control of more things in our lives (such as health care, the right to free speech, where our money goes, privacy) it could very well be taken away. Anyway, that's my rant.
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