Nov 07, 2004 11:04
last night nathan and me went to showmars. as we were leaving we got stopped my alex. and stopped i mean he hopped out of his car and came running over to nathans car. and wanted to stay with him and eat. we said yes, even though we had just eaten. i wanted to stay because those two(alex and zach) make me laugh. especially when they are together. alex jumped in the back seat when we were parking. we went and they ate. we talked about autobell and how alex doesnt know what to do bout jordan. i decided to try and find another girl from him. so i went with whitney. i said he could go on a date with her. after talking for a long time we left. alex was driving nathans car and i was with him. nathan was driving the twins car with zach. we went back to their house for a moment. i discovered some interesting things about them. one was there extreme love for cats which was cute. and that they have an older brother which i never knew bout. then we had to go to my house to get something. alex wanted to ride with nathan so they went in his car. i rode with zach. we went to my house and nathan and alex got "lost". then we went to nathans. i had a nice little chat with zach on the way. when we got to nathans, knoespel, tyler, and neil were there. we all hung out. then i got a angry call from my dad and left. it was a fun night