MOTO blatherings

May 18, 2007 13:11

Sixteen years ago I was on another continent making memories with 80+ other Wartburg College Choir members, jaunting about Europe, singing in Notre Dame and other incredible cathedrals, drinking, eating, shopping, and basically having an unforgetable time. That was when I first encountered the term Master of the Obvious, or MOTO for short.

Magnificent edifices, renowned artworks, concentration camps, and free-flowing beer turned us small-town Midwesterners into gawking MOTOs. There really is nothing like seeing up close that which you had previously only seen in books and magazines. It's all enough to make you state the obvious. Yes, the Mona Lisa is small. Yes, the Lloyds of London Building is tall (and who insures that building anyway?). Yes, the canals in Venice are dirty. Yes, 18-year-olds can drink beer at the Hofbrauhaus. Yes, this is the Autobahn. No, it's not pronounced "douche-land". Yes, those Italian border guards are walking around with loaded rifles. Yes, that really is original painting, The Hay Wain, and not a poster. Yes, that is the actual gas chamber in Auschwitz.

Taking in all the magnificence further stunted some brains and caused more MOTO questions. Is a cardigan a sweater? Do cats still meow even if they live in Poland? Will my Toblerone chocolate bar melt if I take it through the airport x-ray machine?

Anyhoo, I've had a couple MOTO moments lately. Like today when I looked carefully at the salt packet which had printed on it, "Contains Salt". Or the Lunesta commercial that states drowsiness as a side effect. Gosh, I sure hope so! That's kind of like Band Aids: may cover wound.
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