Jul 04, 2005 16:54
wow this summer so far has started off pretty good. i have kinda done alot. It doesn't seem like summer though because i stil have been working and summer projects and stuff like that.
monday- monday started off really bad and i was totally upset. And then it got better. I ended up going to seabreeze with the gardners and their whole family from colorado. It was alot of fun. I hung out with bobs, denny, and their cousin elise and mr. gardner. The water park was really awesome cause it was so freaking hot. then i got home and hung out and pretty much did nothing cause i was so tired.
Tuesday and Wednesday- I hung by my grandmas pool and i got an awesome tan. I also read freakonomics. It our summer project book and its not that bad. I actually enjoy reading it. Then i had to work and thats never fun. except we got all the new vera bradley in and i totally re-did the display.
Thrusday and Friday- cleaned thrusday cause the gril came over for a bbq and then some slept over and that was fun. Then i worked on friday and bascially read and watched a movie, cause like 3 people came in the time i was there. Then i came home and cleaned up from the night before.
Saturday- worked and then went to a red wings game. That was fun. And then i slept and got up on sunday so that i could driving in east rochester.
life is busy. And hopefully this week i am going to catch up on some sleep, which would be really nice cause i am so tired. And i have to work... ugh :(, but i just keep telling myself it pays and i need money. And i am going to try and finish my book this week, freakonomics. Its actuallly a good book, very interesting. But ia m out for now cause i am just getting bored of typing. So leave me a comment or a few more.