Jan 19, 2011 12:01
I wish job applications weren't so long and full of disclaimers and fine print and numbers to remember. I may have given out a slightly wrong social security number, or at least I always am convinced of this, and that the government is going to hunt me down and torture me due to identity theft, and not believe that I'm just really bad at numbers (thank goodness we've had the same home home phone for twnety years even though we moved). That was several hours today and yesterday just to finish one. ONE. Though it's kind of ideal- lab assistant in a pathology lab. I should probably practice with wet slide mounts ( a little dirty, huh) and microscopes at Dad's work if they want to interview me.
Also, I really hope they don't actually call my references, because they're at theTrin, and I have neglected to really tell anyone, aside from official people like the dean and the financial aid office, that I am not returning, sorry. Blocked against this. But I guess I should mention this to the lab people there before someone calls them up asking about my skills and they get really confused because as far as most people are concerned I am still bound for South America.
And college apps. Again. I wonder if I can remember my common app username password stuff arrgh.
But I did just take some mini fridge pictures. And the app was successfully submitted. POSITIVE SELF TALK, YOU LOONY.