Okay now that i'm already in a depressed mood.. i'll continue talking about it..

May 19, 2004 23:15

lets talk about how shitty my friends are and there needs to be a class that teaches people how to be friends, shall we?

1. andrea. as of right now. i helped her decorate for her little stupid shitty party thing on saturday that she decided she had to have for mike which i didnt think was a good idea in the first place cuase it just made him think that she likes him, whatever anyway. so then, i gave her 20 bucks which she PROMISED me she would get back to me by this weekend because im going to disney and since im poor i have to use my own money for that kinda stuff, anyway (again) .. i didnt get that back which was annoying to begin with, THEN... she doesnt call me all week and gives me dirty looks in the hallway.... what the heck???!!! i do everything for her man! i give her money all the time, im ALWAYS there for her when she needs ANYONE i always tell her the good in herself and give her encouragement, why do i do that???? ohh yeah, i remember.. so she can call me and talk to me when its CONVENIENT for her- duh.
2. Ticka. I mean, Ticka by far is NOT a crappy friend at all i love her. but the onyl time i get a phone call is when i call her first or something gay like that. cant she just call me to say hi or something? arent best friends there for that reason? well i sure thought so... but i guess i took a different bset friend class than they did. then theres the boyfriend, i LOVE her boyfriend, but i HATE the kinda friends that cant call u because they have one! ive had a boyfriend for 3 and a half months and i NEVER faily to call my friends... whatever.
3. Mal- mal is nowhere near the crappy friend list, at all.. shes definitely on the top- BUT shes leaving and that really really really really (times 100) depresses my beyond belief. just thinking about mally leaving makes me cry, honestly. i dont know WHAT im gunna do without her. she keeps me in line, is there for me WHENEVER i need ANYTHING without a doubt. shes just an amazing person, and i dont know what or who or anything, without her.

I just wish Britt would come live with me. then life would be SO much better seriously. i just want ONE best friend to not leave me, or be there when i need them, or want to be around me other times than when its just convenient. im sick of this best friend bullcrap. why cant i have a life-long best friend like everyone else has? or a group of friends like everyone else has? ive been nothing but a best friend to anyone thats come to me for anything, and i get a no friend slate in return... i guess thats how the cookie crumbles.

Nunez i know u know how i feel- help ....
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