Another sign of a wonderful husband.

Apr 04, 2009 00:27

Last night I was up crazy late finishing hand coding my html project for a class. (Will I ever be asked by any employer to hand code a website? No.) I went to bed about half an hour before Josh woke up for work. (To be fair, he does have to be at work at 4:30 am, so he wakes up at about 3:30.) I didn't get to sleep before the alarm went off. Right before he left the bedroom, he kissed me on the cheek. This afternoon I asked him how he knew I was awake. He didn't, he said,

"I do that every morning before I go to work."

I just had never been awake enough to know. I swear, every time I think I love him the most I can, he does something to make me love him even more.
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