Lack of sleep leads to random being

Mar 06, 2009 10:25

Within a two week period, I have witnessed my co-worker serve Geoffrey Fieger some ribs (he wears quite a lot of makeup) and I served Barry Sanders a chicken burrito. Actually three. (He's shorter than you might think, but very polite.)

I seem to be doing pretty well in all my classes, which somewhat baffles me, but there you go. I forgot how much reading there is for grad school. Yes, I realize that's a bit funny considering my major of library science.

I was at Curves today and was going around the circuit listening to these two old biddies gossip and talk about everyone from their family to their neighbors to their co-workers. As I was almost done, I heard Biddy 1 say, "But you know me, I like to stay out of other people's business." I almost choked, trying not to laugh.

I am way, Way, WAY excited about Watchmen. I have got to find a way to see it this weekend.
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