
May 29, 2004 20:16

so... i had a livejournal a couple years ago and kinda lost touch with it and i dont remember the username or the password, so i figured i'll just make up a new one. so, a lot has happened since i last wrote... a lot. i'm now a senior and i believe i was a sophomore last time i wrote... i'm, holy shit, GRADUATING in 3 weeks. time flies. it's weird because i hated high school for the last 4 years and for some strange reason i dont want to leave. i feel like i've just recently gotten to know people really well. i feel like i'll be missing a lot and then to go off to college and do the same thing. i'm scared that graduation will leave me with a lot of unfinished business so to speak....

so, anyway, last night was a lotta fun. i went to a prom in Derby with a vry good friend of mine. His name is Jeff. For those of you who know me well, you know who he is cuz i talk about him often enough. but anyway, it was a lot of fun. i don't think i've ever been complimented so many times in my life. he makes me feel so special. it makes me wonder what i did to deserve to be friends with this kid and be treated this well. he's such a great person.

i'm camping this weekend at Hammonassett as usual, but this year i have to work, so tonight i'm staying home by myself. it sucks because as much as i like being home alone and having free roam of the house, it makes me always wanna go out and do something fun and i never do. maybe it'll be diff tonight... i highly doubt it.

ok, well thats all i have to say for now. i'm at work and bored. thank god i get to leave in 45 minutes.
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