(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 01:02

I haven't logged into my main journal in AGES. orz. I need to be more social.

BUT TOO BAD. I'm going to Hetalianerd all over this post because I am a loser and such is my life.

ANYWAY, this needs to be drawn right now. It's amazing. I'm talking about the First Anglo-Dutch war. THIS IS HOW IT STARTED:

England was afraid of losing bb!America to the Netherlands, because the dutchman was expanding his settlement there and colonizing that boy oh so tenderly. Now, England knew that Netherlands was hot shit in the trading business, so he passed a few Acts dictating that imports to himself from America could only be done directly through English ships. This cut out Dutch middlemen.

Netherlands didn't really give a damn about this, because trading with England was really an insignificant venture anyway. Everything would have continued on as usual...IF PIRATE!ENGLAND HADN'T COME TO PILLAGE AND SEIZE ALL HIS GODDAMNED SHIPS. Apparently England's new Acts made this kind of thing legal to do. It goes without saying that Holland was more than a little pissed.

He began enlisting armed merchantmen on his ships to deal with England's pirate raids, and he was pretty satisfied that it solved the pest problem. England, however, with his enormous ego crushed, felt that his long self-proclaimed title of LORD OF THE SEAS was being threatened. So he smugly demanded that all other ships on the seas had to lower their flags in salute to his SUPERIOR ENGLISH SHIPS whenever they crossed paths.


"Hahahaha FUCK YOU."

He refused to lower his flag.

This lead to various skirmishes, and eventually, THAT'S HOW THE FIRST ANGLO-DUTCH WAR BEGAN. A showdown of egotism, stubbornness, and flags.


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