The twisted candle...

Jul 14, 2007 22:30

mmm...I really love Shabbat. Really. A lot. This week, we wrapped up our orientation time with Shabbat largely at HUC. Friday evening, Saturday morning and Havdalah were all spent at HUC, while Marc and I got to have Shabbat afternoon all to ourselves. Friday night services at HUC were high-quality. The community at HUC is great, because unlike at lots of other services, you can count on everyone involving themselves in the prayer service. Services were led by Rabbi Kelman and the incomparable Cantor Schleifer (sp?). Like I said, high-quality. Unfortunately, there are certain kinds of services that I don't enjoy, and making them more high-quality can increase my enjoyment only so far.  What don't I like? I don't like treating Kabbalat Shabbat as if its some sort of buffet where you're not expected to have some of everything. I don't like using English as a substitute for Hebrew liturgy.  And I don't like not being able to sing along. SO, services were not exactly my cup of tea. Dinner however, was totally awesome. This was alumni weekend at HUC, and sitting at our table was a Rabbi and his wife from Erie, PA (NEL!), who lived IN OUR APARTMENT when they were here for their year in Israel OVER A DECADE ago. CRAZY! Plus, the food was really good and we got to do some pretty great singing afterwards (both with and without guitar).

The rest of Shab was pretty great. Morning services at HUC were really nice (totally rocked the all-hebrew action). Rabbi Ellenson read the haftorah, and it was cool following along and recognizing the trope (sidenote: I've been working on learning haftorah trope). I passed out when I got home from services and slept for almost two hours! If we're going to be as busy as they say we will, and I don't doubt it, naps will become an even more important part of my Shabbat routine.

We went back to HUC for Havdalah and more mingling with alumni. Its really wonderful hearing encouragement from people who have been in our shoes, and want nothing for us but complete success. Tomorrow we start ulpan, nice and early in the morning. I need to pack myself some snack and lunch, so I'm not tempted to buy from the cafe on campus.

Shavua tov!
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