change, change, change a g a i n

Jul 07, 2012 10:30

i had a filling drilled in a week ago and my tooth still hurts some.  its challenging to be ready to go and have to wait.  the trailer batteries are hooked up to the truck to charge.  it is a time where i feel particular need and draw for angelic help.  For divine communication and clarificiation.                   Card 1: The Lovers:  questioning of relationships to show untruth or dysfunction for that foundation to crumble.  relationships built upon truth will last. being honest with self and others.  including realtionship with self. time for complete honesty.  archangel raphael is a protector and healer of emotions. helps with heartache.     Card 2: The Chariot.. Archangel Metatron.. helps children and those new to path.  indicitive of a move.  lots of movement with seeking.  learning how to focus mind on desire over fears.  can see glimmers of manifestations coming about.  hang in there.       Card 3:  Knight of Fire: passion adventure, self-assurance, restlessness.  Thinking about making huge changes.  Want to trade in old life for new... caution: carefully weigh decisions. think things through carefully.  A week for planning, journaling, being honest with self.   Make plans but dont act on them this week.  Time is on our side.  Write, talk, from place of love.   Know the angels are with us.  Can call upon them to protect, guide, sheild.  They are messengers of love from god.    guardian angels love us unconditionally.  they are personal and always with us.  my guardian angels look past the surface and human errors and see my potential and goodness.  they see within me that which god created perfect.  my love and light from heaven.  other angels may come and go throughout my life according to whats going on around me... like healing angels, relational angels, support angels, etc.    peace on earth angels.    throughout all this my personal guardian angels never change.  they are messagers of god without egos.  they are not relatives or friends in heaven, although they may act like angels at times.   they are celestial nonhuman beings who are with me throughout my entire life.  they are with me right now.  most people have at least 2 guardian angels.  usually one angel is a comforting quiet helpful angel who is there during times of great need when need emotional support, such as during disappointment or grief.  the other angel is more of a coach or motivator and is more extraverted and easier to hear in my heart, mind, and feelings. urging me to take good care of myself and live a healthful lifestyle that is true to my beliefs.  many people have more then 2 guardian angels, in fact, we can all ask for as many guardian angels as wed like because there is an unlimited supply.  it is said that anytime god thinks about love, a new angel is created.  and since god thinks about love continuously you can imagin the legions of angels on the earth.    peace joy health happiness.  angels can help with anything brings peace.    it doesnt matter how we ask for help because angels respond to sincerity of desire, over particular words.  our angels are with us right now.              i know my guardian angels on a soul level, interacting with them since childhood.  throughout childhoold when there are difficulties, children feel and sense the presence of their angels.  children know.  and those angels from childhood are still with us.  take a few deep breaths and center self.  each guardian angel has a vibration that translates to a "name".    Viserys and Deedee.I                     i AM on a binge for newness.  like out with the old in with the new feeling.  like i just want a brand new experience.                                                                                                                                                                                              Clearing and Shielding with ArchAngel Michael.  helps us to raise up to our highest levels to the power and strength that is healing and compassionate. . to step onto our path with confidence.  He is a complete reflection of gods omnipresence.  he is, like god, respectful of the law of freewill.  we have freedom to choose how to think feel and act.  i call upon archangel michael to help!  michael is nondenomiational and sees right into our hearts.  please come to me and help me to be clear of any fear based energies i may have absorbed and please surround me with your healing purple and golden light and dissolve away any attachments i may have to worry stress fear or anger or any lower energies.  please use your sword of light to cut any cords of fear between us and other people living or past, situations, items and things, or places.  help me to be free of any former attachments to fear. help me to be free of ego-based attachments and to truly be in that space of my higher self which sees and knows only love, as you do.  we ask that you dissolve away any old energies of psychic attack, anone who has been anger or jealous with us.  we ask that you extract away any attack, persons, entities, or thoughtforms that represent the ego and fear.  help us to reconnect with our souls fragments and experience the wholeness that is our divine creation and birthright.  as we shed all stress and fear from any life time, we feel the inner power that god has infused each of us with.  we feel strength courage and confidence that comes from knowing who we are. my mission is needed and i have so much love to give and receive.       breathing and recalibrating, bringing vibration up.      to natural high state of love joy peace.  i ask archangel michael to please sheild me and seal these beautiful vibrations to hold in light in my emotional and physical body and i ask that you shield me from any incoming lower vibrations and give me very clear guidance i can easily notice and understand if ever in a relationship involving low integrity or lack of truth.  give me clearning warning signs and red flags and give me the courage to make changes in life so that i am living only in situations and relationships that are love based.  give me courage and confidence to step boldly in direction of lifes purpose and embrace the light within and around me.  laugh sing play to express godliness in all i do.  to be the reflection of gods magnificence. let my light shine so i may be a role model of peace on earth.  thank you archangel michael, please stay with me and continue to help me be the light worker that i was born to be.   Amen and So it is.                                                                                                 new beginnings and fresh starts.  

doreen virtue

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