
Dec 18, 2004 17:29

okay, so you've ever been woken up by someone and been really upset about it but that pissed off-ness just dissapears when you realize who is on the other end? Yea, that definately happened to me this morning at around ten-ish with Steven Stille. It was really weird, cuz at first i just thought he was calling me from boot camp and i was mad at him because he should be calling his mom, but then he said he was at home!!! and i about freaked out/ cried because i'm not home anymore...i'm in St. Louis and I can't see him...but thats all right cuz i'll see him on Christmas! But he was home on sad terms, his grandmother died, but it was almost a blessing that she did because she wasn't doing that well. I was suprised that they granted him leave tho...normally they don't...whatever works though! I was just really happy that i got to talk to him...and i felt special cuz i was the first person he called and told...i guess he was telling his dad that i'm a college student and he had to wait until at least ten to call me but at 9:50 the phone was dialing. I didn't mind, once i found out it was him calling that is.
I'm jealous of everyone that got to see him though, you guys are awful lucky and don't take it for granted, because you don't know what you got till its gone.
My family and I signed our christmas cards today, all like a hundred of them, and i licked every single envelope shut...we had an assembly line going...and my dad and I just laughed our asses off the whole time...we kept cracking jokes, well it was more like him cracking and me laughing...but it was still a lot of fun and a family experience. Since we've moved here i've been doing a lot more family oriented things, and that is better...ever since my sister and I left and my parents are empty nesters its better to be more family oriented and give them 100% of our time when we are home. My mom and I went on a walk this morning after breakfast and that was really nice. We just talked about everything, and I mean everything, and it was really good cuz my mom is a pretty smart lady and i learn a lot from her. Then my dad and I went shopping, well to sears home improvement, and then he drove around with me and showed me where things were which was really helpful. I was supposed to do laundry, but my sister started it cuz i took too long in the shower...i was practicing my song for Christmas I took extra long...the song is 4 and a half minutes and i think i re-played it a million times!! Oh well, gotta be good...its Christmas Eve!! Its a hard song to sing for me though, getting through it w/o crying will be key! And its a really low song, so I'm hoping we can take it up a notch...we'll see, practice is the 23rd!
Okay, Well, i guess its time for Christmas shopping with the fam and then possibly a movie, we'll see....
BECKY COMES ON MONDAY!!! If you read long do you wanna stay? cuz there might be a slight chance that just you and i can drive home a bit earlier...its up to you!
Have a good Christmas if i don't post before then everyone....7 days!!!!
Love ya!
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